We edit nonfiction, academic or other works, such as:



  1. Make contact with us by email to determine if we are accepting new work. We will respond within 1 business day.
  2. Email your proposal or article to us in MS Word.
  3. We will email you a completion date for the project within 1 business day.
  4. You must accept the quote by email in 1 business day to be sure that we meet the deadline.
  5. We will edit your narrative in MSWord using track changes and return with a list of recommendations by the deadline.
  6. We will send you an invoice, which must be paid within 20 business days (4 calendar weeks).

“I want to thank you again for the outstanding work you did on our proposal "Bringing Language Into Meaning". It was a highly interdisciplinary team and your organization and focus kept the team on track. The fact that you weren’t afraid to ask hard questions, provide honest feedback, propose alternative approaches, edit out unproductive writing, and work really fast was of inestimable value. The finished product was sharp and polished. Your experience in working with large, interdisciplinary proposals really paid off in the days leading up to submission.” Carolyn Forbes, Assistant Director, Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University

“Dana’s passion for working with authors/faculty on producing competitive thought provoking and innovative proposals is top shelf. She understands the process from the mind of a PhD and uses that to ensure their vision is stronger. Dana is not afraid to have tough conversations to ensure the best product is submitted. She works tirelessly when aligning the Sponsor requirements with the project description.” Ann Marie Hess, Global Futures Laboratory Research Development Office, ASU

“Dana has a keen eye for framing proposals in compelling ways and clearly articulating the relevant information as concisely as possible. She has an uncanny ability to find and work out logical flaws and inadequate explanations, and to stitch the pieces together to create a compelling proposal. Importantly, Dana patiently gives excellent feedback and guidance to PIs and never shies away from editing many, many drafts to make the proposals the best they can be.”Arianne Cease, Global Locust Initiative, ASU

dragonfly picture


We do our best to ensure that your proposal – to federal funders or foundations – is compliant, clear, compelling, and (to the best of our ability) on-time. We have edited proposals for most federal funders (e.g. NSF, NEH, NIH, NASA, EPA) and several foundations (e.g. MacArthur, Science Foundation AZ, Virginia G. Piper).

Editing levels

You can engage us for one, two, or all three editing levels. We check for compliance each time we work on your document.

Developmental editing - on a completed or well fleshed out first draft.

  • In-depth, thorough editing for content, structure, and flow.
  • For a proposal with multiple authors, create a coherent whole.
  • Preliminary edits for language.
  • To meet page or word limits, cut text or recommend where to add text, as needed.

Stylistic editing - on a completed first or second draft.

  • Focus on readability: simplify sentences, ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Cut text or recommend where to add text, as needed.
  • Correct language, especially for non-native English speakers.

Copy editing - on a final draft shortly before submission.

Final checks of formatting, spelling, grammar and compliance.


A big question when trying to secure research funding is whether to resubmit a proposal that was declined. To help you answer this question, we will study your first submission, panel reviews, and the RFP to advise you. If you decide to resubmit, we will analyze the reviewers’ comments and outline a strategy for you to create a more competitive package. Editing will follow if you choose.


The process is very similar to grant proposals. A manuscript can be edited in one, two or three phases. We will review the guidelines for authors to be sure the paper adheres to the journal’s requirements. If the paper is a resubmission, we will study the reviewers’ comments and your revised manuscript to be sure that the reviews have been adequately addressed.


Please contact us regarding your project. We can help you to better define how you might need us and determine a fee structure.

Selected Editing


Cease, Arianne (P.I.),
NSF CAREER: Deciphering how dynamic environments and nutrition affect life history tradeoffs in a highly migratory insect pest; Global Locust Initiative, ASU; National Science Foundation, Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, Population & Community Ecology, Integrative Ecological Physiology; submitted: July 2019; awarded: March 2020.
FFAR: A coupled natural-human system approach to solving locust plagues; Global Locust Initiative, ASU; Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, Health-Agriculture Nexus, New Innovators; 2018.

Sabo, John (P.I.)
NSF INFEWS/T1: Linking current and future hydrologic change to hydropower, human nutrition, and livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Basin; Future H2O, ASU; National Science Foundation, Division of Earth Sciences, Integrative & Collaborative Education & Research, CR-Water Sustainability & Climate; Start Date: August 2017

Childers, Daniel (PI, co-PIs: Nancy Grimm, B. Turner, Sharon Hall, Abigail York)
LTER: CAP IV: Investigating urban ecology and sustainability through the lens of Urban Ecological Infrastructure; GIOS, ASU; National Science Foundation, Division of Environmental Biology, Long-Term Ecological Research; start date: December 2018.

Manuscripts and Reports

Liu, W., and D.B. Agusdinata, 2020, Interdependencies of lithium mining and communities sustainability in Salar de Atacama, Chile. Journal of Cleaner Production, 260, p. 120838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120838

Andres, Scott et al., 2012, Hydrogeology of a Rapid Infiltration Basin System at Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware. Delaware Geological Survey (report).